Chronology - Helen Begg-Tyrrell Since September 2008 Helen has been working for the Sustainability Consultancy, Best Foot Forward Ltd
2008 - 9 - Secretary of Oxford Art Society2007 - Invited to be a member of Oxford Art Society- Tutor at Queens Park Arts Centre, Aylesbury. - Selected to take part in March's 'Prelude', Spitalfields London E1. - Joined Oxford Printmakers Cooperative - Continued work with the Portrait group QPC, Aylesbury - Continued representation by the Taurus Gallery, Oxford - Oxford Artweeks, with Rona, Dragon School, Oxford. 2006 - Represented by Taurus Gallery, Oxford- Selected as part of 5 person show for Oxford Artweeks - Continued work
with Portrait Group, QPC, Aylesbury - Children's book illustration course, Korky Paul, Oxford. - Screenprinting course - OPC
2005 - Bucks Open Studios, group show- Magic Café, Oxford, solo show. - Lithography course - London Print Studio 2004 - Portrait Group, Queen's Park Arts Centre, Aylesbury, founder member- Practising and exhibiting locally
1994- 2004 - Completion of over 30 professional portraits, in charcoal pen and ink and clay.- Practising and exhibiting locally - Teaching French Clubs, Le Club Francais. -1996 birth of son 1994 - Completion of Foundation Course at Central St Martins, London Institute- Birth of daughter
1992 - 1994 - Graduate UCL BA (hons) French(Italian Subsidiary) Upper Second. - Reservation Manager, Voyages Vacaces Intl.1992-4 - Foundation course at Central St Martins, London Institute 1993-4.
1985 - Art Scholarship, Oakham School, Rutland
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